Last time I wrote about how much better I sleep outside on a mat on the floor than in any bed. I know most people think I’m crazy and can’t understand it, but it’s true…
Mount Karbolet/ Shvil Israel (c) rene skroch
Of course it’s also because my way of traveling (cycling/hiking) contains a lot of physical activity. The benefits of this are: You sleep good, you eat good, you go to sleep early, you get up early, you strengthen your body and mind, etcetcetc… there are a lot more benefits, but mostly it’s the fundamentals which profit. I’m almost never sick, my energy level is high, my mood is good…
It’s funny, when I have times in my life, in which I am not moving much, I start having problems… my body starts aching and my mood isn’t that good… Maybe that’s the reason, why I chose that kind of life, which I’m living since many years…
Am Gipfelgrat des Mount Karbolet/ Negev/ Israel Trail
However… I believe I was born like this, because since earliest child days I read adventure books, my child room was decorated with old maps showing countrys like Zaire and Ober-Volta… I could look hours on maps, imagining how it will look like there where my finger was pointing at..
When my parents took me on camping holidays, I looked outside the car window and imagined to walk through the hills and fields which passed by outside.
There are several stories, where I just disappeared for hours, while my parents where busy building up the caravan’s tent or something similar. One time they even informed the police, their 6 year old son was missing. But after 3 or 4 hours I turned up everytime, telling them I was in the forest or at a cabin in the mountains…
The day I got my first bicycle with 3 gears, I think I was about 10 years old, I directly rode 30km…
The Americans use a german word for this: Wanderlust… with the years I started to realize that this is probably my purpose and I designed my life to that, what it is now…
Okay, back to the tales from the trail…
Am INT in der Nähe von Upper Ein Akev/ Hod Akev
I started early as always from Mitzpe Ramon with a very heavy backpack. I guessed it must’ve been something between 25kg-30kg. I carried 14 Liters Water and Food for 4 days. I tried to get as far as possible in this time, because I was supposed to meet Daria and the Dogs in 4 days at the northern end of the Negev Desert.
The first day was kind of boring, but flat for 25km, which helped me with my heavy backpack. In the evening and night again a strong wind started to blow and I hid between some bushes to have some windcover. The following day I met only one Jeep Driver which I asked for 4 Liters of Water. With the holidays have finished the day before, the desert was empty again…
Then I arrived at some small oasis named Ein Shabiv. It was surreal. In middle of the dry and yellowish desert suddenly a green jungle with big trees, lots of birds and shade. I made my long break there, cooking some couscous and searching for the spring, because I heard some gurgling some meters inside the dense vegetation. I managed to find it and again filled up my bottles with clean water. In the evening I slept nearby to another small creek some kilometers further. In this night I had to fight with mosquitoes…
Rene gönnt sich ein Bad in der Quelle Ein Akev (Nahe Midreshet Ben Gurion/ und dem Akev Night Camp)
The next morning started with a nice surprise. After only 1km of walking I arrived at a big water filled pool named Ein Akev.. a very popular destination to visit in the Negev desert… because it was just 7am only me and another guy were there and I had a nice swim in the cold water and I could wash out some clothes in my foldable Ortlieb-Bowl…
Refreshed and fueled with new powers I hiked 30km that day… Half way I joined 3 young israelians, Davii, Smadar and Milka. They had some water cached at the Nightcamp of that stage and helped me out with another 3,5 Liters which they had too much… I was very lucky, because on that day I drank so much that it would’ve been probably not enough for the next day, because it was considered to be the most difficult part of the Shvil Israel…
We hadn’t met anyone all day long, but when we filled our bottles, suddenly Jason turned up again. I met him the 3rd time now, last time he helped us, by finding a host for us in Kibbutz Lotan. He joined 5 others since Sappir, but their group fell apart and when we met them, they lost another guy… and all day, because they were searching and waiting for him because he started some minutes later, but in the end it turned out, he was already 15km apart on the other side of the mountain…
Ein kniffliger Teil des Shvils: Kletterstelle am Hod Akev
We joined them and they brought us to their camp, which was at the beginning of the climb of the Karbolet. I felt like in Mount Everest Base Camp. On a very small space we slept with 7 people, the wind was blowing in nasty gusts all night from the mountain and everyone was a bit nervous about the climb the next day…
We started around 5:45am the next morning. It was difficult with a lot of ladders and climbs and I couldn’t imagine how we would have done this part with the dogs… After hiking alone for a week, I enjoyed now being part of a group. We managed the climb very good and the view from the top was stunning. Then the trail lead all the time along the edge, which is kind of annoying because it’s not an even surface, it’s lopsided to the right. So after some hours my feet felt bad because they were pushing all the time towards the right side of the shoes…
But we made it. For me it was the last stage of the desert. I skipped the last 70km and gonna meet with Daria and the Dogs near Arad. We want to give the Dead Sea a visit and then return to the Shvil from Arad on northwards…
Über den Autor:
Rene Skroch am Shvil Israel Trail
Hier berichtet Rene Skroch seine Erfahrungen am Shvil Israel und gibt Euch viele wertvolle Tipps. Rene Skroch könnt Ihr auch auf Facebook oder in seinem Blog begleiten:
Textauszug Most People think I’m crazy
Last time I wrote about how much better I sleep outside on a mat on the floor than in any bed. I know most people think I'm crazy and can't understand it, but it's true...
Of course it's also because my way of traveling (cycling/hiking) contains a lot of physical activity. The benefits of this are: You sleep good, you eat good, you go to sleep early, you get up early, you strengthen your body and mind, etcetcetc... there are a lot more benefits, but mostly it's the fundamentals which profit. I'm almost never sick, my energy level is high, my mood is good...
It's funny, when I have times in my life, in which I am not moving much, I start having problems... my body starts aching and my mood isn't that good... Maybe that's the reason, why I chose that kind of life, which I'm living since many years...
However... I believe I was born like this, because since earliest child days I read adventure books, my child room was decorated with old maps showing countrys like Zaire and Ober-Volta... I could look hours on maps, imagining how it will look like there where my finger was pointing at..
When my parents took me on camping holidays, I looked outside the car window and imagined to walk through the hills and fields which passed by outside.
There are several stories, where I just disappeared for hours, while my parents where busy building up the caravan's tent or something similar. One time they even informed the police, their 6 year old son was missing. But after 3 or 4 hours I turned up everytime, telling them I was in the forest or at a cabin in the mountains...
The day I got my first bicycle with 3 gears, I think I was about 10 years old, I directly rode 30km...
The Americans use a german word for this: Wanderlust... with the years I started to realize that this is probably my purpose and I designed my life to that, what it is now...
Okay, back to the tales from the trail...
I started early as always from Mitzpe Ramon with a very heavy backpack. I guessed it must've been something between 25kg-30kg. I carried 14 Liters Water and Food for 4 days. I tried to get as far as possible in this time, because I was supposed to meet Daria and the Dogs in 4 days at the northern end of the Negev Desert.
The first day was kind of boring, but flat for 25km, which helped me with my heavy backpack. In the evening and night again a strong wind started to blow and I hid between some bushes to have some windcover. The following day I met only one Jeep Driver which I asked for 4 Liters of Water. With the holidays have finished the day before, the desert was empty again...
Then I arrived at some small oasis named Ein Shabiv. It was surreal. In middle of the dry and yellowish desert suddenly a green jungle with big trees, lots of birds and shade. I made my long break there, cooking some couscous and searching for the spring, because I heard some gurgling some meters inside the dense vegetation. I managed to find it and again filled up my bottles with clean water. In the evening I slept nearby to another small creek some kilometers further. In this night I had to fight with mosquitoes...
The next morning started with a nice surprise. After only 1km of walking I arrived at a big water filled pool named Ein Akev.. a very popular destination to visit in the Negev desert... because it was just 7am only me and another guy were there and I had a nice swim in the cold water and I could wash out some clothes in my foldable Ortlieb-Bowl...
Refreshed and fueled with new powers I hiked 30km that day... Half way I joined 3 young israelians, Davii, Smadar and Milka. They had some water cached at the Nightcamp of that stage and helped me out with another 3,5 Liters which they had too much... I was very lucky, because on that day I drank so much that it would've been probably not enough for the next day, because it was considered to be the most difficult part of the Shvil Israel...
We hadn't met anyone all day long, but when we filled our bottles, suddenly Jason turned up again. I met him the 3rd time now, last time he helped us, by finding a host for us in Kibbutz Lotan. He joined 5 others since Sappir, but their group fell apart and when we met them, they lost another guy... and all day, because they were searching and waiting for him because he started some minutes later, but in the end it turned out, he was already 15km apart on the other side of the mountain...
We joined them and they brought us to their camp, which was at the beginning of the climb of the Karbolet. I felt like in Mount Everest Base Camp. On a very small space we slept with 7 people, the wind was blowing in nasty gusts all night from the mountain and everyone was a bit nervous about the climb the next day...
We started around 5:45am the next morning. It was difficult with a lot of ladders and climbs and I couldn't imagine how we would have done this part with the dogs... After hiking alone for a week, I enjoyed now being part of a group. We managed the climb very good and the view from the top was stunning. Then the trail lead all the time along the edge, which is kind of annoying because it's not an even surface, it's lopsided to the right. So after some hours my feet felt bad because they were pushing all the time towards the right side of the shoes...
But we made it. For me it was the last stage of the desert. I skipped the last 70km and gonna meet with Daria and the Dogs near Arad. We want to give the Dead Sea a visit and then return to the Shvil from Arad on northwards...
Über den Autor:
Hier berichtet Rene Skroch seine Erfahrungen am Shvil Israel und gibt Euch viele wertvolle Tipps. Rene Skroch könnt Ihr auch auf Facebook oder in seinem Blog begleiten:
Fotos (c) Rene Skroch 2017
Israel-Trail Post H1 Headlines
Most People think I’m crazy
H2 Headlines zum Shvil Israel Beitrag
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Keywords zu diesem Israel-Trail-Beitrag:
Israel-Trail, Ein Akev. Midreshet Ben Gurion, Hod Akev, Hund, Hund am Israel Trail, Hund im Negev, Hunde, Mount Karbolte, Night Camp
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