Touch of Evil

Maybe the most convenient night camp on the Golan Trail is located next to the gate of what used to be kibutz Ein Zivan. The site was developed as memorial for the dead of the 134 rangers battalion. My father served in that battalion and there is a quite unbelievable story about the way this battalion ended its life. To

Israel Trail Canaa, Kanaa

Fresh Winds Over The Golan Heights

Some weeks ago I saw, high in the sky, two Israeli missiles trying to intercept a Khamas‘ rocket. The Israeli missiles were too fast and were shot too soon in order to reach the interception point before  time. No worry. The Khamas‘ missile, that was slowly climbing behind them to a decent altitude, disintegrated high in the air and its

Flyer Israel National Trail

Flyer für Hiker

Jacob Saar, der Autor des Buches „Hike the Land of Israel“ – Israel National Trail and the Jerusalem gibt ab sofort für Wanderer einen englischen Flyer heraus. Dieser soll nach seinen Vorstellungen von Wanderer zu Wanderer weitergegeben werden und diese mit ein wenig Basiswissen versorgen: Israel National Trail – Flyer in englisch von Jacob Saar: National Geographic Magazine The Israel
